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What Have I Done?

by: admin


Grandmother used to tell me stories about warrior princesses when I was just a little kid, and I would sit on her lap and listen for hours. Beauty, intelligence, knowledge and bravery were all in abundance for these heroines. I had no reason not to trust that one day, as I sat on her lap and stole glances at my myopic grandma, my legs swinging and a single toe making squiggly designs on the icy mosaic floor, I would be one such beautiful woman.

I’m going to give you three chances to show off your wares or leave it at that…

In my previous post, I discussed PCOS and how it affects my life. Many of its effects may be undone by taking the reins of yourself, as I’ve said and as many of you have told me through your remarks here and elsewhere. Accepting yourself and your body as it is is the first step toward healing. Acceptance is as critical to a person’s ability to adapt to change as change itself is. I believe I will be more equipped for the fight ahead if I have a clear sense of who I am as well as what I stand for. In response to my previous piece, a long-time buddy of mine remarked, “Please Chill Out to those out-of-whack hormones.” agree wholeheartedly.

If you’re doing something wrong, we’re going to lock you up before you know it.

PCOD makes it hard to shed pounds, which is why so many people these days are whining about their weight gain. To better comprehend what happens when food enters our bodies, you should have watched the dummies movie I put up previously. As a result, I’m considering taking steps to improve my situation. How and what I consume. Because I enjoy eating food that is excellent for us, I have a lot of nutritious recipes on my site. But to be honest, I consume chocolates, chips, deep-fried treats, salads, and all the other nutritious foods that I post on my blog.

In other words, the positive is positive, but the negative — it’s negative.

In the meanwhile, though, they say that “The Sky is the Limit,” which I believe to be true, and my friends haven’t seen anything till I’m through.

The first thing I’ve done is quit worrying about my weight. Here I am discussing the idea that instead of hating ourselves for our imperfections, we should embrace them and accept ourselves for who we are instead of what we think we should be. Regardless of what science tell us, we are all manifestations of something greater than ourselves. As a result, we are perfect in our own right. As a perfect being, I now have to overcome a position that makes us less than my wonderful, flawless self. “Eating all the foods you really don’t want to be having to eat if you knew what’s doing to your body” is the term for this state of affairs. Even if the scenario has a long name, it’s one that takes a toll on the brain and the body… and saps a little of your energy every day. Expensive.

After the doctor’s appointment I described earlier… Refined sugars are out of my diet altogether. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a significant step forward. My pals, I have a sweet tooth. Sweets are one of my favourite foods… I’m a big fan of chocolate, ice cream, and mithais… My sugar cravings has gotten the best of me in the previous five years, and now I want a sweet flavour in my tongue after every meal. We can only hope that it is no longer an issue. First two weeks of my sugar-free life were quite challenging. On the weekends, I indulged, telling to myself, “one tiny bounty isn’t going to hurt me… if the whole picture works.”. In the third week, I realised that my yearning for a single prize was causing a vast pit in my stomach. As a result, I just stopped paying attention to that voice… I also ate an apple, despite the fact since I’m not a big fan of fruit until it is baked into a cake. When I reached Week 4 of the challenge, I contacted my blog mate Sangeeta for some advice. I’m a big fan of hers as a blogger. There are several reasons for this, including the fact that she is an excellent mother, an adventurer, and a gourmand. The handholding was something I wanted and needed from a friend, and Sangeeta stood up to the plate. That’s what I meant when I said, “Ask… and ye shall receive!” The character of my eating habits will be the subject of my future post.

Let’s not go hungry today… What I’m having for my mid-morning snack/smoothie? It is important to note that I no longer have cravings because I have given up sweets.




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